Product Updates

Developer Update: Moddio Game Engine 2.2.0 – 2.2.1 Release

We’ve made several more engine releases and many changes! This will include all the 2.2 engine changes in all versions. We recommend you use the latest version of the engine in order to get the most up-to-date features and bug fixes. More details below:

What’s New in 2.2.0:


  • Added “Invited Users” tab in share modal, so players can better track invitations that have been sent out and accepted
  • Added support for switch game action
  • Collisions field settings added
  • Skins are shared between Maps and Worlds
  • [Bug fix] Shop crashed on removal of player attributes
  • [Bug fix] Some actions in the HTML parse resulted in a broken structure
  • [Bug fix] isMobile parameter function did not work on client-side
  • [Bug fix] Issue with chat CSS breakpoint
  • [Bug fix] Edit & Switch action caused the “Run on…” type to not update as expected
  • [Bug fix] When uploading a 2D object and transforming it to 3D, the body default values are initialized with default sizes of 3D object
  • [Bug fix] Fixed the Action addition replacing the previous action at that position
  • [Bug fix] Map bound camera no longer affects the Editor


  • cspMode 0, 1, 2 are now all supported
  • Undo/Redo now added for placement of Entities
  • Copy (CTRL + C) added for copy Entities
  • Added camera bounds for orthographic top-down camera
  • Added camera collisions for perspective camera
  • Added client-side support for item pick up/drop triggers
  • Added support for client-side overlay text actions:
    • Hide overlay text for everyone
    • Hide overlay text for player
    • Show overlay text for everyone
    • Show overlay text for player
    • Update overlay text for X milliseconds
    • Update overlay text for everyone
    • Update overlay text for player
  • Added client side support for trigger “playerJoinsGame”
  • Added client-side support for Entity-created trigger
  • Added client-side support for triggers: “unitAttacksUnit”, “entityGetsAttacked”
  • Added support for client-side sound Actions
  • The geometric ratio TAN is now supported
  • Value of “none” for movementControlScheme no longer allows movement
  • Made improvements to particle defaults
  • Use 3D particle emitter settings if available
  • Use the default loading manager when no loading manager is provided
  • Removed Unit from AI’s targetUnitID if the unit is hidden/disabled
  • [Bug fix] Scale transform for the 3D model gizmo
  • [Bug fix] Undo/Redo fixed for gizmo translation
  • [Bug fix] Made a fix for placed Entities Scaling
  • [Bug fix] Issue when loading skins
  • [Bug fix] Issue with item placing and rescaling
  • [Bug fix] Particles were flickering in some situations
  • [Bug fix] Incorrect item merges and backpack pickups
  • [Bug fix] There was a sync issue after rejoining the game
  • [Bug fix] Renamed update to updateAction for initEntities and added an update to fix the billboard
  • [Bug fix] Nameplates and attribute bars no longer get hidden near the map border with map bound camera
  • [Bug fix] Fixed “show attribute when less than max”


  • Added trigger support for “entityCreatedGlobal”
  • Added “last triggering entity” parameter
  • [Bug fix] Fixed “Run on…” for some variables


  • Updated the default Mobile Design for all game templates
  • Camera focuses on the center of the map in the Title screen
  • Improved the UX for Invites
  • Update thisEntity order in action editor and hide thisEntity from dropdown if used from global scripts
  • Added search input for Script window
  • [Bug fix] Made a fix for “entityCreatedGlobal” trigger
  • [Bug fix] Mobile joystick had issues, such as when adding only a single joystick on the screen
  • [Bug fix] Multi-touch issue in mobile when using joysticks and clicking on other UI elements in some devices
  • [Bug fix] Clicking on a custom UI element registered it as clicking twice

What’s New in 2.2.1:


  • Added camera collisions
  • Player save data fixes
  • [Bug fix] Fixed bug with inventory item loading
  • [Bug fix] Camera offset increases the camera distance

Getting Started with 2.2:

If you haven’t already, go try the new version in your own games! Go to and select the game you’d like to change engine versions. Click on Editor > Game Settings >Engine tab. You will see a field labeled “Engine Version” and you can change this to “2.2.1” to try out the newest features listed above..

Your Feedback Matters:

We value your input and feedback so that we can continue to improve our engine. Go try out the new engine version and share your thoughts on our Forums. Please report any bugs and include the engine version you’re using.

Thanks for all your support!