I’m not gonna- gonna keeps on crying flag your post.
As long as you don’t try anything stupid here cause I’m definitely flagging that post if your post is inappropriate in this forum.
You’re never 100% safe in this forum cause there’s the higher-ups.
Ok, i never did any inappropriate posts. So i’m safe there if i don’t do any nasty things
Why is my name there?!
You just replied to that topic or post
Flaggers stay anonymous. People have good reason to flag posts. Please don’t go after someone who flagged your post.
Hey, that’s actually a good point, just because someone flags another post they made doesn’t mean they can go like “oH tHeY dId tHiS fOr nO rEaSoN blah blah blah.”
Ok, kyle691, but i only flag posts that are inapporirate or spam
The flagger might have viewed your comment as flaggable for some reasons
And what kyle said is to the point, but the few number of Regulars here makes it hard to keep the anonymosity of whom did flag…
I wish that it never happened for me
How do you get Wiki Editor?
You need to edit a wiki to get it. If you want to get it, you should go to this link to find it. Scroll down til you find it! https://www.modd.io/forum/t/moved-to-general-discussion-how-to-get-every-badge-in-this-forum/
Use this to get Wiki Editor or any other badges
Yea but i want the forums to be a quiet like back in the day.
I tried stopping users from creating too many General Discussion, but someone flagged my post for off-topic.
I don’t want EdWarD, RoBeRt and KaYlA to create millions of general discussion topics because some of them are off-topic
EDIT: Sorry for necropost, i just need to say this
Actually you should be careful about your alt’s behavior first, or it will suffocate your main acc.
Yea i will not try to make monstrosity posts in my alt
Why am I not getting Member on my alt account?
It probably may take a while for your alt to get Trust Level 2
Yeah I might spend some time on my Alt.
Ignore the “KaYlA” Her name is now Sans