that littearly is like saying “omg we just crashed but it was just a roleplay” roleplay but corny
i am a minor tho bruh
yes a filthy one at that
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role play
noun: roleplay
- another term for role playing.
verb: roleplay
act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy.
“study participants role-played as applicants for community college”
participate in a role-playing game.
“one to six players can role-play as any of over 100 characters”
omfg youre so cooked by sub
only meat can be cooked not humans
bro humans ARE MEAT + i didnt mean actually cooked
then thats considered cannibalism
what does that change to your argument?
everything lol lil bro
youre like 9 just by saying lil bro
this is what i say but i always get flagged
our roleplays are too kid friendly
no they are not really
bruh how literally my little brother hacked my account
L password for that try putting it on a piece of paper
mine is actually stronger
its 1234 definetly i swear
Guys im sorry guys for what i did
so what do you want to ge searched?