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ducky:petting it

chicken getting pet

NOW Let us battle! takes out his sword

if you win you get the uniform

if I win you pet the chicken

at the speed of light plays

Now let’s duel

Steals L3q_asgsdaf’s sword, enchanting to the maximum power and moving at the speed of sound

4th Stage of ARS

takes a bloodbath sword out that is enchanted to 100 and that is XXL In Size

This is my #1 favorite color

ducky:still petting the chicken

chicken getting pet

NOW Let us battle! takes out his Bloodbath sword that is XXL iN Size

if you win you get the uniform

if I win you pet the chicken

at the speed of light plays

images (10)

Using my power to stop the battle

Takes the uniform and wears it

More Suits

Hmmmm, what is happening



ducky:still petting the chicken

chicken getting pet

revives and slashes you with his sword

No effect

Opens task manager and ends program DashcubyDEV.exe

ducky:still petting the chicken

chicken getting pet

i cannot be ended

<Do you know what is this?>

ducky:still petting the chicken

chicken getting pet


ducky:still petting the chicken

chicken getting pet

ducky:hey you wanna pet this chicken?

Destroys the chicken

Comes Back alive i cannot be ended this is your final chance

strips your powers away

kills you with his XXL Bloodbath sword

Failure: My powers cannot be stripped

i can

throws you in a pit of lava

The shield prevents the demotion of my powers

Slaps you