Some non-respectful conduct

removed, complain elsewhere ty

A quick note: I think that Billyboy is the owner of this game.

“May need to visit every 30 days in the ccg to get vip”? bro stop the misinformation… + rating stuff are to dont allow players get out in mid game… and why is it bad that billyboys the owner of game? no need to criticism for that people likes the game and theres no reason to tell people to dont play a game when people likes it.

Everyone doesnt get vip in CCG… second what’s the need to criticism a game if someone likes it… just let people be and no need to criticism a game that people likes pretty sure ur ending forum banned by a lot of reasons. Just dont criticism about CCG if u don’t know about anything of it… Losing 50 rating is when you left from a match ( This to prevent player leaving match to dont lose rating ). If u don’t like dont play it and don’t post forums about dont play it here omg.

and also if u log of a battle when your in it exam:is on a battle leaves lost 50/30 rating or whatever

Sorry for making such topic, I didn’t mean to attack that game (sorry for necropost)

That is not misinformation, Your rating is set to 1,000 by default, you get 100 rating if you join every day, so (30x100 = 3000) (3000 + 1000 = 4000), That’s 4000 rating

Sorry but i don’t want CCG to exist ever again

Shut up @AntiShadow

Stop making the drama once again please
I mean the latter part (after the 1st quote)

@AntiShadow 100% hates me

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