(Solved) I cant puplish my game... for some reason

my game worked good for so 4-5 months but then… my game stopped pulishing :skull:
it turned offline, i got scared first and checked every folder every script but no Corrupt or Wrong script, i checked every loop, the only loop is my dumb made night cycle which contains timeout and run script actions… i searched in every game setting and tried to puplish the Game so much, still nothing i thought my menu text is copyrighed or not allowed and changed it every time NOTHING! Please Help me, my game took very long to make…T_T


So, you cannot see the title screen of your game, right?

Then, I’d like to ask you several things:

  1. Have you ever had others join your game? Is the problem only for you or universal?
    I want your game slug to see it.
  2. Are you able to access your game via the old editor?

If you are able to access your game via old editor, then try the following things one by one.
If you can’t, then go to step 7.

  1. Is your game taken down? You can see if it is from Menu (blue button) → Settings → Server Tier.
If it's taken down

If it is, then fix what you think is wrong and ask moderators to unfreeze your game in the official discord server of modd.io.

  1. Are you using any script tag (which executes Javascript) inside the game (especially in your dialogues)? It has been forbidden for months.

Delete all script tags.

  1. Is your tilesheet and map okay? Is it shown correctly when viewed in the old editor?
    Plus, check out and tell me width and height of each tile and the entire tilesheet, and the map size.

  2. Maybe you should revise your “initialize”, all of your every frame/second loop, and “when player joins” scripts once again. But I recommend not to spend another full day on this section.

  • Thousands of units created
  • Changing AI behavior every frame
  • and so on
  1. Ask help for kyle and moderators here and in discord server because it might be a bug of modd.io engine (, but don’t spam there too much or you’ll be banned).

If you have any unclear points, feel free to ask me :slight_smile: I hope you can access your game.

  1. no when i try to puplish and join it littearly does nothing, when i restart the page after 5-6 seconds it says this message:

    even if i pulish it O_O yes its universal i tried to use a alt to join: same problem… 1. Yes i has 2.3k plays and had no proplems the game slug is NuclearSurvival 3.its not taken down i can still add new features in my game 4. no i dont even know how to do this script tag, i only use normal scripts and actions… my tilesheet is normal and tile size is 64x64 and it has 185x185 tiles 6.some days later after the proplem came, i was triyng to search the problem i saw in initialize a wierd action which said: “undefined”, Creepy :skull: and deleted it, i hope i gave you genough information, thanks!

Important note: You can’t include a space in the slug.
Plus, can you tell me your username as well? I couldn’t find your userpage.


Wait i Finally fixed the problem, there was a circuit in my game which causes insta crash i fixed it :smiley: