Kyle your save doesn't work any other thing I can try

Did you try to follow or copy what kyle69 did? If so, then, backtrack again. In case you miss something, or I’m just really incomprehensible. I’m not really good at “Complex Scripting” though.

This is the topic what I’m talking about:
Can Tier 1 Games Make Save Data System?

Here’s the one with a video on it:
By: PineappleBrain

Just mention kyle69, if he doesn’t respond to you, or you can just wait. That’s also an option.

This only works if they have Tier 2 or above that. :point_down:

I forgot to mention this. There’s another way to do that, by simply steali-- I mean copy the script and paste it into your game, IF you have Mod, Contributer, or you’re the Owner. You can simply copy the “Save Data Script” and paste into your own game. If it’s Tier 1 that is. If it’s not there, you can just search “Save Data Script” and make a script out of it, if you know scripting.


Pineapple brains tutorial doesn’t work anymore because m0dE broke it

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So I looked in your scripts and it turns out that you were setting a timeout before assigning players a player type (in ‘player joins’ script), so their Score attribute could not be set.

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Do you think this is the reason is lagged at the beggining

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If you mean the delay before spawning when you join, then yes, the timeout is what delayed that.



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You’re screwed. Hopefully someone doesn’t spam your messages in your email.

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Oh i forgot, it seems i can’t get First Reply via Email

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You can’t cause it’s currently impossible right now.

Did you have alzheimers right now while making your post right here?

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Hot post in here, but cold post

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We probably shouldn’t talk to each other here cause this topic is gonna get off-topic pretty soon.

So, let’s just move on shall we?

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And it’s also old, so we should burst our batters in here

Bearing the consequences

I smuggled something? What are you talking about? Tell me the reasons or else face the consequences. I know you, you’re @_580k alt account. You’re not tricking me.

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You actually don’t do that

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I’m going to edit my flagged messages

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(fact: this video is outdated)

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I need to get chimas fuel from you

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Here’s the fuel from @_Arsenic

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