The Era and a Realm of Modd Forums

Yes i know that
But how sad is it?

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It seems i can’t also edit the previous reply that contained realms,
Motordilatian (The End of Off-Topic Content)

This is the 6th era in this forum. It is a type of realm that we have planned to end the infestation.

Before August 21st 2023, we planned that the off-topic content would come to an end. That took us 6 to 7 days to finally finish something.

There is a drama that Robert has occured it, because simply of its extremely off-topic and inapporirate content, like mama jokes. And Robert has suggested to remove the flag button, which we would disagree.

In 16th of August 2023, there is a new category called “Script Resources”, however it was removed one day later.

In 21st of August 2023, EdwardR and Robert got a 72-day suspension for making so many off-topic posts, which makes the infesting come to an end, After they got suspended and if you try making a topic, there is a chance that an anonymous flagger can flag your topic, and this may result in moderator deleteing the flagged topic as soon as the flagger flagged it. Because this is actually not debating, It’s possibly that the anonymous flagger should be known.

However in 27th of August 2023(?) @_580k got suspended for 1 year, because he was attacking the CCG game, and someone reported him to the Moderator, and decided to ban him, But in 3rd October 2023, kyle69 unsuspended him and gave him back Regular.

This actually lasted for 31 days before moving on…

Postoheterodilation (The Slow of Forums/Another Revival of Forums)

This era have started in September 1st 2023, which is like a biggest change to the Forums, instead there would be any off-topic stuff, there would be about and stuff, The early realm wasn’t a good start, There was someone trying to attack toho to change the age requirement in but however he insisted to do that according to the letter, and even s1cK was guarding him at the momentum.

Before October 2023, _580k was still suspended and he had to use Apeothiosus and even trying to do something with it, But somewhere in August and September of that year, llyspa was perma-suspended for wanting to smack toho and s1cK, Minotalen actually perma suspended him.

After October 2023, _580k was unbanned from the forum, thus can explore the forums again.

Somewhere in 10th of October 2023, the category Devlogs was added for people to post game updates, arts and more.

In 18th of October 2023, one user got suspended because they attacked toho and s1cK and even toho sent a message to 580k, however, this attack might continue to this day… but Apeothiosus is the first user to be on hold.

In 26th of October 2023, There is a new category, its name is Script Library.

In 1st of November 2023, Whitty (also known as Edward), and Robert have been unsuspended from the forums

It seems that Whitty and Robert are probably in hiatus, since the forums might die out soon later.

Now the realm seems to be quite good than the 5th realm