Welcome Phanstama
You can learn to get badges here [Moved to General Discussion] How to get every badge in this forum
Welcome @Phantasma go to the link that says How to get every badge in @Dol_Whitty 's comment.
Oh look, a karmaslayers dev!
I don’t really care that you flagged my post here, I was trying to help him though.
hey, edward was trying to help @Phantasma. @_580k doesn’t HAVE to help everyone and other people can help other people
I made a video about you
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ChimasSwifta can’t die, HE CONTROLS OUR CHIMAS WORLD
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Wow, it seems that sans just saved me
Thank her for doing it.
Bruh, nobody even knows I was trying to help
Maybe you should stop flagging my post or I’m exploding.
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You did it!!!
Im exploding!!!
I actually had set this to Watching so I could get notified everytime something happens.
and also he was not quickposting he was tryna help her/him with the forum and @_580k dosent have to help everybody
I had to agree on this one.