Why is this horrbile glitch back?

Modd.io turns unplayable without chatbox and UI

I tried hard refreshing with empty cache and restarting my computer but the problem didn’t get resolved.

So, how am i supposed to fix the atricious bug that’s back… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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everyone got this issue

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Yes, this makes the game unplayable, because you won’t see any latest people who chat, and there is no way to exit out of this game, the only method is closing the tab or refreshing the page.

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Yea, so I’ll make a point of opening the dev console and see if there is an element named “tailwind” or “chat-tab-container” in the html file, and whether it’s disabled, the next time I encounter the issue.

Though it may have been fixed with the sidebar update…

I wish the UI and chat should stay forever, without disappearing