⭐ 8 Game suggestions

Hi, i will send 2 daily suggestions here if you want to make games!

1.- Dont give Free Mod or Dev to anyone in your game
Give it to friends or good developers/mods you trust, any player can ruin your game…

2.- Have a idea game
Complete your idea game first, you can add textures and other things in the future!


how do i get like good at makeing games

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Today i’ll send 6 suggestions because I was offline… sorry for the inactivity!

1.- How do I get like good at making games? by PixelWiliam

All suggestions here can help you in that, but here’s a tip:
Practice, try to make a lot of games, It’s very hard get a good at making games without experience!

2.- Get Players
Create some ways to get players (no spam), use showcase on discord, invite your friends, add a good name to your game, etc.

3.- Test your game currently
Play your game as a normal user in modd io. This can help if you want find bugs.

4.- Get Developers and Mods
Team Work is very useful for making games but if you want to work alone… no problem👍

5.- Inspiration
Play popular games on modd io, it can inspire you!

6.- Make friends or be recognized
If you are positively recognized, you have a better chance of getting a popular game because the people know who you are and if you are a good person!

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i have made a lot of game some got like 50 plays and thats good for me (a kid of all ages makeing games) there was not much to test tho and i tryed to get inspired from games but that just seems harder and i do i have lot of friends but thats just on modd.io and not real life (thats not a joke i dont have friends) and i did have some developers before but one made the game uhhh (i dont want to talk about it :c)

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(post deleted by author)

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I have seen that i’m very bad keeping alive this forum…
sadly… i’ll close permanently this forum… bye forum and suggestions, rest in peace…

Reply to PixelWilliam
If you have tested already, you can create a lot of projects now!
with your experience you can make an very good game in modd io,
the question is the inspiration, just look at T5 games, let’s say that you have seen a fight game, you can use that game as an example in your game and add more things! (history, skills, enemies, sprites, style, etc!)

Let’s remember that our life isn’t only modd io, and have friends is very good thing in your life, but REMEMBER if other people hate you or if you dont like what they do, DON’T BE WITH THEM!
It’s the same thing in modd io, if you dont like what your friends do, tell them, if they dont like or start hating you because that, You DON’T HAVE TO CARE!
You should be good if they forgive…
Make good friends and choose people that likes what you think, don’t choose bad people, it’s better if you are alone that have bad friends or people that hate you.

You can make a game with expience and only if you like it, also if you want get inspiration, explore many ways to get it, or just take a simple game idea, upgrade it and see what you can do with that, just dont make it similar to other games, take inpiration!:star:

srry for my bad english too…

:night_with_stars:Goodbye forum!