All units are effected by Gravity

This has been a known bug for a very long time, but it’s still not fixed. Units have a setting for if they’re affected by gravity or not, but it doesn’t work and the unit is still affected even if it’s set at false. I’m trying to make a platforming game and this bug is ruining some of my ideas.

2023-01-31 (1)


I am aware that turning off Client Side prediction fixes this issue, but Client Side prediction is required for other things I’m trying to do in my game, so turning that off isn’t an option for me.


Bob you should create your own gravity
script :

  • use every sec trigger
  • if loop affected by gravity == true
    (i dont like use loop i use variable or attributes)
  • put force on all unit down side

if you need help contact me in discord (i will anwser faster)


i dont use client side prediction
why you want to use it