Allow us to edit a weapons damage

I don’t like making entirely new scripts dedicated to making the bullets actually do it’s thing I want.


its easy to make guns do damage buc theres no need to script stuff

I wasn’t specific before so I’ll be specific here.
Allow people to change a weapons damage. There’s a levelling system for my item and I don’t want to make 10+ items just to change the weapons damage. I can change the weapons damage via variables and stuff but, a new problem emerges, the bullet doesn’t have an owner, making it when the bullet kills a unit, the weapon doesn’t earn exp (part of my leveling system), and I’m not sure if I can fix this with variables and scripting. And let’s say I did fix that problem, another problem would emerge, the bullet would damage any unit. So just let me change the damage of a weapon, it’ll make scripting easier for me and anyone else that has to change the damage of a weapon.

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