Any skin ideas?

I wanted to make a battle game on here and I was wondering what skins for things I should add. You can add new sections if you’d like.
This game will be… A battle royale? Basically, you fight people to gain money and points to gain more things to get more money and points, heck, I’ll even add lore.

Current items
baseball bat - bow - knife
character - sword - clothing
lance - hat - backpack
sword and shield

Sonic skin please Choatix.

thanks for the idea! I’ll add that to my list of character skins!

For the shield use this emoji, :shield:

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ok, good idea! I’ll use that for the shield.

roberts being weird that’s off topic of the skins and items! so you should add a soldier with a knife and with armor on and also add a cowboy with a rope attack and a hat

Alright, I’ll note that down!

depend any skin that your choice

what do you mean by that :grey_question: