Anyone like my new profile picture?

I recently changed my profile picture, does anyone like it?

what is it? looks kinda random

Something I made with pixel art…

looks like this but which a bit if red, it´s called a Twin Sai literally the weapon Raphael uses in teenage mutant ninja turtles :joy:

well i have a new profile picture and I’m not making a post about it

you must really like that animation

You must not know the animation cuz you watch porn all day

Bruh you change your profile picture about every week; it’s not a big deal…

YOOOOOO i just got teir 2 on my game m0dE came in so i said could I get teri 2 he said shure i cheaked and my game was teri 2 I was likeeee reeeeeee

Average person to get annoyed at a person not knowing every single animation to exist