"Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information)."

If the other thing wasn’t bad enough, this is just worse.


@Thw0k This should have been fixed now. Please do a hard refresh and try again.

it appears to not work. im tried to hard reset the tab, and when i do, i am logged out immediately.

it’s logging me out if i refresh normally too, on any page that isnt a game.

@Thw0k maybe they working on a bug last time l tell @m0dE to fixed bug before so maybe they working on something

@Thw0k Can you share another screenshot of the console?

so @Thw0k you said that it log you out??

like his but l dont what you takoing about???


this is the modd.io main page

well @Thw0k try to ture of you laptop and then reset it a again if that dont work then signout of you modd.io account and do you used google or you put you name in modd.io account but um you may have to reset you site that the bug or may ask your admin what going on ok thx for for comment!.

@Thw0k this should have been fixed now.
If it still does not work for you, please clear your browser cache with the following steps:

  • keep the developer console open, long press the reload button, and click the ‘Empty cache and hard reload’ option.

Cool, it is now fixed. Though, I am worried of the current state of modd due to these recent bugs. Hopefully things get stable again overtime.


Please stay on-topic to the original post.

oh bruh issue sill there after empty cache and cookie