Asset creation help

Can someone help me make assets for my game?
its based off CSGO. if you could, please help me
make gun assets and other stuff.

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A day late, but, uh… Go to the Discord Server, then go to #asset-hunters, once you join the server. Remember, just be patient and all. They can’t be a little… Let’s say… Obnoxious.

I can’t invite you cause, they won’t let you create a invite. ;-;

Just ask the moderators or m0dE to add you on the Discord Server.

Pls don’t kill me mods :sob: :sob: :skull:


oh so thats what the channel was for. thanks

but thats online assets, i want someone to make assets

They can if you ask them. There’s a lot of gun assets there though. Ask them to receive permission to borrow their asset. This is the only thought I can help you with.