Body Types still broken

3rd topic I’ve made about this bug that’s preventing me from making my game, body types of any entity that aren’t dynamic are bugged. They don’t trigger region scripts, code that checks for an entity’s position don’t work on them, and entity scripts are just flat out broken. I’ve already confirmed with mods that this isn’t a problem with my code.

Also please don’t try and suggest work arounds to the problem, kinematic body types are necessary for what I’m trying to do, and there is a 99% chance I’ve tried any solution you suggest.

I’m well aware that this comes off as rude, but this is a problem I’ve had for months now with lots of suggestions/potential solutions from other people which haven’t worked. So it gets annoying when people try and give advice that doesn’t work when all I want is for this bug to be fixed.


Try posting the bug on Discord, nobody really uses the forums

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hi b0b

which body type are you trying to use and on which entity type (unit/item…)?

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I’m trying to use kinematic body types on a Unit. I’ve also tried using kinematic body types on Projectiles, but that had it’s own problems.

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there’s a good chance kinematic bodies are disabled in some way. i’ll dig into it and figure out what’s going on

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kinematic bodies never collided with anything. not sure if it is intentional.

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Looking at the documentation of the physics engine, it seems that kinematic bodies are meant to not trigger collisions with other static or kinematic bodies, so this isn’t exactly a bug. Box2D: Dynamics Module
Regions are created as static bodies, so kinematic bodies won’t trigger collisions with them. I suppose one way you could have this problem solved is by changing regions to be created with dynamic bodies instead (Region.js:23).

Kinematic bodies can still trigger collisions with dynamic bodies though; are you sure that you can’t utilize this?

Also, how are entity scripts just flat out broken? I don’t see how entity scripts don’t work on entities with kinematic bodies.


Having a dynamic unit at the bottom actually worked, thanks a lot. I never thought to try it since regions, walls, and checking out bounds didn’t work on kinematic bodies. As for the entity scripts, that was an over reaction on my part. All the entity script triggers I had used didn’t work, and so I just assumed they didn’t work on kinematic body units.

I still consider kinematic bodies not interacting with regions as a bug though, so it’d be nice to see that fixed sometime. Also I apologize for being rude during the whole process, it was just so frustrating to have bug I didn’t understand preventing me from making game I was excited about.