Bug or Nah? On Max Players

I was able to set Max Players to 50.
This is when I publish my game.
this is the server.
It says here that you can only change it to between 16 and 32.
I’m guessing is that I was able to change it to 50 before m0dE change it between to 16 to 32


Heh… Good thing I change it, lmao.

I only have Tier 1 btw.

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no its recommended but if u want big server u can use it

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No like, it wants me to change it between 16 and 32. If not I can’t publish the game, I was able to by pass this thanks to the auto publish mechanic. If I remember correctly you can change it between 16 and 50 and m0dE decided to change it between 16 and 32. And right before m0dE change it I was able to set it to 50. That’s all I could think about it.

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At least my game can have a big server then.

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no everyones can publish server to get 50 players or more, 16-32 is recommended, you click publish, change number to 50 and its done


I retract my statement… I realized that you can change it from the Engine Settings. So, the statement I write above there was completely unnecessary. Professional retard here. :nerd_face::nerd_face:


Again Moderators, please don’t kill me. :sob::sob::sob: