Can anyone answer please?

How to make my game save?

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Get to t2 or get someone who has t2 and make them copy save script from they t2 game


@cheeseaholic how to get t2? im not using tiled

teir 2 is when your game has had 20+ players for more than an hour. you might just open your game with same ip address turned on and make a ton of tabs with your game on it. you have to be logged out for all of the extra palyers

Let me tell you a secret, if you do NOT destroy units when someone leaves game, and then when they join back destroy the new unit, the game will keep all data from before IF you store the data into the unsaved unit. If you need help with this go to discord or go to Chhes’s discord which is available in


oh i once thought about doing that. i thought i would have to manually add their names so it would give them the right unit

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you and this discord stuff man LOL this is hillarious and also ADD A AUTOSAVE TO DOMINATIONZ

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CHHESS SWORD!!! that is me raging cus the ches sword glitched out for me

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RIP bro sadness it always takes me a rly long time to get points so if ur sad about it i understand cuz its rly hard to get points on especially when theres a lot of ppl with good weapons i feel like Chhess should add a points auto-save on it tho

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can you tell us how do dat pls chhess

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lol takin scripts from mommmm i see huh LOL

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hu how i taking scriptsodsaiuhfbdsnipoqwjhngjdfn fbhjdngbhjne vhujn

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XD blah blah blah blah

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i was talkin bout chhess LOL

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dont be mean to an inanimate object

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LOL blah blah blah blah blah

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