Change inventory through scripts

Hello! I am asking if there is a way to change a unit’s inventory size through a script. Please help.

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That is impoosible sorry

just go to the unit u want to have more space and change the number under inventory at the bottom of first page on units the max there is the max everywhere

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Yes, I know that. Did you see that I said through scripts? @RagDev

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Um well you could of course have a script with something like:
When (triggering unit) (does something) change unit to (another unit) and give (last created unit) items of (triggering unit) which could work. I’m not real good at coding but I try!

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The best way to do this is to give unit big inventory but put in an invisible item called locked slot many make it a lock and give it to unit then make it so that the unit cant drop or change its slot so then you can use a destroy item script to make the slot usable

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basically you would have to program a dialogue

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