Changing the amount of points in zombie tag

I need to know cuz i am making one

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just go in global environment and change the earnings

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Where is global enviorment

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Environment>Global Variables (global variables is what i meant)

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Now where do i go in global variables

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click the zombie earnings and human earnings

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I don’t know where it is

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its in global variables it should be called zombiePoints or zombieEarnings

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hey rag dev pls help me with my game i need you to help my doors

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bruh u didnt even invite me as con

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ops ill do it now the game is called simon says dont change anything else

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rag can you make the doors work no mater where you are on the map

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ok that will be ez… wait a minute NO MATTER WHERE WHAT U MEAN

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I checked everywhere but I don’t see it in global variables

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i already have some working but i mean i press a button and the doors open wether or not its in my entitiy bounds

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so i could be on the other side of the map and open it

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idk then cuz i dont make zombie tag games

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