Coin Distribution

There’s been a lot of focus on being able to monetize your games recently, but I realized that it’s only for skin creators and game owners. If someone has a game with 5 contributors they shouldn’t automatically get all the profit just because they’re the owner, instead owners should have the option to choose how the coins are split up.

As an example, lets say there’s a game with a 50, 30, 20 coin split and someone just bought an 100 coin item. 10 coins (10%) goes to modd like normal, but the other 90% is where the coins get distributed. The owner would get 45 coins (50%), the contributors would get 27 coins (30%), and the mods would get 18 coins (20%).

If there’s multiple contributors/mods then their percentage gets dived into how many contributors/mods there are. This would also work for skins, the skin creator still gets 45% and modd 10%, but the last 45% gets distributed. Obviously the default would be 100, 0, 0 since that’s how it’s always been.