Community Feedback Board


Any suggestions that made in the Suggestion board are being tracked in the Community Feedback Board. Be sure to check back often to see which Community ideas we are pushing in the next release!

Board Link: Moddio Feature Suggestion Board Feedback

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Morning, Afternoon, or Evening everyone!

Small Update for you today:

As you no doubt know, we have been gathering community feedback in the official Community Trello Board. This board now has a new feature allowing you to up vote features and push your most requested suggestions to the team. If you have a Trello account (which is free to make btw) you can now vote on any card within the Trello board. The more votes an idea gets, the sooner it gets moved into the newest update.

Simply Log In, click on a suggestion, and hit the Vote button to show your support for community ideas and features.

Reminder: We are only accepting suggestions posted to the Moddio Forums. So be sure to post all your feature requests, update suggestions, and UI Tweaks to the Forum!

Suggestion Forum: []

[[EDIT]]: The community Trello board has been discontinued. Suggestions are now found and made at: Moddio Feature Suggestion Board Feedback