Discussion about Disaster Survival

Map: Stairs
Why does everybody place random blocks
Map: Forest
Who chooses this one? It is literally called the Death Map because of disasters like tsuanmi or flood, and the floor is lava if you AFK! With the new update, the lava now can burn blocks. Is this a good idea?
Disaster: Flood
Map: Stairs
Why does this give you free wins…
Disaster: Flood
Map: Forest
oh no your screwed unless you have a balloon with a box with no gravity!
Basically every disaster with Forest is downright impossible without a taxi or having a balloon and box.
Disaster: Tsuanmi
How do i even explain this… Oh! I got it.
Basically if your map is lower than the last one without a balloon, you will DIE.
Stair are just free wins with that disaster.

because they want to be the highest

Forest is the worst map with these disasters, but if you have balloon with box you should stay alive.

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