Discussion about Escap.io

Why does everybody lose their braincells at level 16 (like man this is real, they want it so bad so they rush, creating anger in the server)
And also, why do some people try to break level 8 ;-; (it is so annoying tbh.)
I forgot to mention one day a user began to bot on level 12 causing it to just go up
(Oh, here is a story I made for Escap)
One day in Escap.io, 6 players were struggling on Level 6. Everyone was in a stair, I was ready to jump.
But then, I didn’t make it, and then the server went full rage on me! Finally after some time we beat it.


basically level 16 is a bit impossible since the new engine changed and the movement is slower than before.


At that point everyone lost their braincells ;-;


There are two ways to beat level 8. The first way is to stack on the right side of the bar to make it tilt rightwards. The second hidden way is to stack on the left side and tilt it leftwards. The former requires 8 people, while you can do the latter with just 4 people. When one person prefers the former while another likes the latter, there’ll be a conflict between them, “breaking” the level 8.


Don’t forget Level 12. There’s also 2 ways to beat that. One is by stacking, but everybody lacks that one since everyone is spamming the spacebar or W. The other one is to the left, You would probably need 15 players to do this. Everyone will go to the left, causing it to go up. This has only been done one time, but it’s unofficial, because the user was using bots to do it.


Actually, the latter is easy, all you need to do is have everyone go to the right.

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