Don't spam on forums because it's dead

We’re probably spamming on this topic

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What was the point of this topic?

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never spam on topics/posts.

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There was some mini drama occured at How to get every badge in this forum

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this topic called, “How To Get Every Badge On The Forum.”

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I don’t know how long is the NotApeotheos’s suspension, It might be permanent, just like the llyspa’s suspension

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Oh yes
I remember when llyspa said he was gonna smack s1cK and toho…

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llyspa is probably the first user to get perma suspension, i think NotApeotheos might have the perma suspension, maybe try looking at his profile to see how long is that suspension, I’m scared to look at his profile

If you don’t know what llyspa is, its name is basically reversed apsyll

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Llyspa said someone smeared something until he edited it

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So, i basically looked Edward at, and i see the reasons why llyspa got perma suspended

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Yes, he said he wanted to smack toho and s1cK, but minotalen perma-suspended him.

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imagine there was a game on called Get Up Guys

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What about NotApeotheos’ suspension? Is it a permanent? or just 6 months?

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I’m not sure…
Also i have to do something else!

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Whoops, that was a wrong link

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Everyone makes mistakes

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that was from a video.

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I think NotApeotheos just got blacked out, so it’s impossible to declare what is his suspension

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What is a blackout on the forums…

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It means the user cannot be accessed but can be accessed before

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