Don't spam on forums because it's dead

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I should stop spamming on the forums.
I regret spamming on the forums.

Did you know that @Apeotheosis is the first user to be on hold?


How did he get on hold?

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Maybe he attacked s1cK and toho when s1cK is trying to guard toho somehow
It’s a bad idea to attack anyone because it might risk on getting a suspension or on hold


Oh i forgot about that haha

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Toho’s nice to everyone

I used to be suspended, but now i just came back
The suspension timer seems to be too harsh, which is about a year.

Remember when you attacked CCG?!

I forgot about you @_580k.

I just accidentally did it, I didn’t mean to create such posts because there was a toxic guy in the official discord server telling a moderator to ban me, Maybe i was so exaggerated mostly because of that losing 50 rating when leaving a game while in a match

Oh yes
But I finally got VIP in that game but I forgot about it now…

We are randomly spamming for no reason

And a guy was replying to it several times

That guy asked a moderator in discord to ban you for being rude and toxic

Don’t mind, Actually sken made a chat about my alt account named Apeotheosis, Also sken said these texts that are above, and i just copied it and make it bold to remember who made the sentences.

Who is the guy?
Like what is their user

Since Apeotheosis is on hold, i can’t even chat message to sken about this

Wait, why is your alt on hold?

As i said, he attacked s1cK and toho

Oh right i forgot haha

I just realized that @NotApeothosus (cant remember the name xd) got suspended