Fun fact about the fake 3

You’ll never see people on the fake 3 being over 14.

Just a suggestion:
It’s meaningless to continue complaining the “fake 3”.
You should do what you should do.

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Why though? How do I make it stop appearing, and yes I will just leave it alone.

It is because it’s dumb and it doesn’t affect anything in here
I don’t think you can make it stop appearing


Alright bro, it seems we can’t do anything with here.

I’m pretty sure I have to chat with sken for advice.

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I also don’t think you can make the forked game stop appearing too.
I don’t feel good seeing it getting popular, but it’s something like a consequence.

That fun fact is approved!

I hate looking at that logo bro.

Why did L3q made it in the first place, just to get me defamed?

I am pretty sure you know the main reason and not just to get you defamed.

Ok, my bad, I still hate that game but I just won’t be causing a debate.

Actually I guess it was one big reason of course, and… the original game had potential.

also is it possible to get banned on stab io 3

Uhhhhh, another competitor?

Dude, we don’t care about competitors. They don’t have to always be made by me unless if that game is a fake.

@ItsAsia You Need To Return Back to @CacklettaSou’s Side

He Did Not Tease And Humiliate You… He Made A Fake NPC Of Yourself, This NPC Was a Fake Version Of You.

How bout you question why he made it? Why would he make it when I’m right here?

Don’t tell me what to do, I’m perfectly fine working for free2win now

Not my fault for making this NPC. I just made it for your fake of yourself, since it was a random guy pretending to be you.