Guys what <,>,<=,=! and / means in operator because i dont understand what it mean's

the title is the question.

< - Less than. For example, 4 < 5 is true.
> - Greater than. For example, 5 > 4 is true.
<= - Less than or equal to. For example, 4 <= 5 and 5 <= 5 are both true.
!= - Inequal to. For example, 4 != 5. But 5 != 5 is not true because they are equal.
/ - Divide. For example, 8 / 2 = 4.

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bruh dose he not know literally second-grade math…
that’s stuff I did in second grade.
you had to fill in the blank but it was only
<,> =

1rst grade math* lol i did it in 1rst grade

10min later

i know < > and = im just asking to sure