How do you make items cost modd coins?

Hi, this topic is about editing a game. My question is, how do you make items cost Modd Coins? If you are able to do this and you are on a computer/chromebook, you would be the perfect person to answer my question! So, if you are good at creating games on, please reply to this. I really need this question to be answered by someone out there please so I can make a Modd Coins Shop! :pleading_face: :pray:t2: :cold_sweat: :scream_cat: :scream: :fearful: :confounded:

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if u dont have Tier 5 / Atvanced Tier You Cant Use Modd Coins In A Shop

To Get T5 You Need to Get 500 uniqe players and 5000 total plays on a game

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Ok thank you for the advice!

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