You're able to obtain Advanced Tier by having 5000 Visits & 500 Uniques plays, But how to obtain it?. If it is the case of Sandbox Editor/In Game Editor i guess you gotta go to Game Settings after being there just check "General", "Server Tier" and see how much players you got.
Another ways!: If you're a popular game creator/developer you can ask to a Staff or Admin to get it by a good reason like testing, etc. Such like "I wanna Advanced for my game because i need to use it to develop my game." you can tell a admin or IDK also you can get Advanced swapping Legacy to Advanced telling a Moderator such like SONadam/QING-Agar or a staff.
There's no currently ways to get this tier after the explained one ways.
Legacy Tier
Legacy was obtainable making a forum/dming etc a Staff/Qing-agar etc into DISCORD and tell them why u need it game name also you would need more than 5 - 10 ccu if your game original etc, If your game was a Copy then you needed 20+ CCU, This was the same with T3, currently this tier is not obtanaible by any of the ways now.
Takedown/Tier 3
This tier are TAKEDOWN not supportable. I mentioned the way to get it in LEGACY TIER this tier is not supported to anymore.
Tier 4
Tier 4 was given only to and Team Elimination. Getting that tier would publish the game to all the regions that support, including asia, useast, uswest, eu, and brazil.
okay so this 2024
Taken down
Hobbyist tier (known Basic,Slow tier)
Legacy tier (old advanced tier, original tier 2)
Fastest tier (now taken down)
Global tier
Indie tier (new advanced tier, 5)
Studio tier
Enterprise tier
to get them:
Legacy tier: 10 concurrent users (20 for ztc)(now unobtainable)
Fastest tier: 50000 unique players (unobtainable)
Global tier: unknown
Indie tier: 5000 total playercount and 500 unique players
(another way is to buy it (10$/month)
Studio tier: 40$/month
Enterprise tier: contact them
Legacy (Tier 2): At least 10 concurrent users for multiple days. 15-20 for unoriginal or Braains-like games. Now it’s no longer obtainable.
Tier 3: This tier was abolished in 2022 and now moved to Taken down. It was possible to earn it with 50k accumulative play count in old times.
Global (Tier 4): Manually granted by the dev team. Only Braains (and Karmafighterz) were in this tier so far. Now replaced with Indie tier.
Indie (Advanced, Tier 5): Multiple methods
i) 5000 accumulative play count and 500 unique player count
ii) 10$/month
iii) Manually granted by the dev team for its novelty or potential.
Studio: 40$/month
Enterprise: contact and contract with the dev team.
Taken down: Manually granted by the dev team for the following reasons.
i) Former Tier 3
ii) Inappropriate contents or being against the Terms of Service (copyrighted assets, NSFW things, excessive gores, …)
iii) Copy of an existing modd game.