How to make a vip shop

i dont know how so im kinda noob T_T

if ur talking about a game VIP Shop Just make a shop with everything cheap or free and then go in scripts make the script say Open VIP Shop For owner of(Last Ability casting unit) the go to Units In environment and then go in Controls After You Go In Controls Click Keybindings Make A New Keybind and then select a key that will NOT be used for anything else then on key down:Open VIP Store Script and there u go a VIP Store

oh ok im still kinda a noob but i can do that. thank you for the advice.

wait will any non VIP members be able to access VIP store because other non VIP members have been able to click the button and get into the store.

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not if u make it If:(triggering player)name = arveylec17
then do:
then no one else will be able to
u know how to keybind right?

I do know how to key bind you go to units then click controls and they should be right there and you can key bind them.
but i dont need help any more i taught myself how to do chat commands.

thank you for your help

New attribute,VIP the max was 1 and peoples have 0,make the peoples have VIP have 1 VIP attribute, and make new script
if / else / then
Number comparison
VIP of ( owner of ( last abillity casting unit ) ) = 1
( use player attribute )

open shop (VIP shop)

umnmm pls help mememememeem i want make Shop for owner

MondoBoomer thx for the offer but currently im good

u can also make a region like this like say u have a store region and u want it to switch depending on player
Triggers:[when a unit enters a region]
if (triggering region) == (store)
then do:
if ((Owner of(triggering unit))) == (arveylec17)
then do:
open (vip shop) for (triggering unit)
else do:
|____open (shop) for (triggering unit)
else do:

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thx for the info but i taught myself last time.

nice thats good being self taught is the key to success (sometimes)

@RagDev. Sometimes i cant really self teach my self so if you know how i would like to know how to do the when a unit enters a region you have to hit a button to move you character to a different region or it opens a shop.Like how in karma fighterz to get across the water you hit z.

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do you want me to make one for you?

i are you talking to mondo boomer?

oh keybinds just do this script no triggers
for all units in (shop region)
last ability casting unit == selected unit
then do:
open (shop) for (selected unit)
else do:
then make a keybind of z when keydown run script open shop
u can copy and paste that script in the script file with different stores but like if u want u can do multiple script files of it

Oh ok thanks.:grinning:

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