How to make money?

money money money money money money money money lots of money

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You can make money by making some skins. It needs to be original.

You can also get some money if you’re the owner of the game and people buy your skin. You need an Advanced tier for the skin shop unlocked.


No like money in game

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Is it coins that you’re talking about or no?

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nope 12345678999101234567654323456786543234567654321§1234
had to write 20 words

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You’re talking about REAL money?

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NO I mean money that you can use in your game and like points and stuff

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You mean it’s like a “points” right?

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i think maybe yes no idk

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An attribute?

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i have no idea bruh bruh

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You can find that in Global Variables section. Once you click it, you’ll see Attribute on the top listed.

It’s like this?

This is an attribute, I just named it “Points.”

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