How to make pill give point and spawn when the game reset?

How to make pill give point and spawn when the game reset?

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can you post ur vid and send it to me at [email protected] plz do

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@123 - How to make pill give points - Environment>Item Types>(Go in pill(or create a one - +Add new(Need be a consumable item)))>Bonus>Playerattribute>add atribute>(atribute of u like to give).

@123 - Spawn when the game reset - What the form of u talk,for spawn u need create unit at position script.

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Create Item>Pill>Bonus>Player Attribute = (attribute:number) if u want it to be infinite delete quantity

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u can also add to unattribute if u like but u do u

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@RagDev i too talk but more talks are more good,:V

the script was ez too(wait this is not a script ‘-’)

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Wait an second you not see my form not :question:

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No,some peoples was good too,but this is so ez :V

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XD dude u good oof u sound like u kinda … Happy how was ur day

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+/-,if i can talk about

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