How to make unusable items that make the hp max go up

i made unusable items that have a passive attribute that adds 1,5,10,25,50,100,and 250 but they dont do anything and they dont give me error messages

get like a weapon and make it unusable then go to the items bonuses and in unit attribute do the attribute bonus you want .

Hope this helps if not ill send screen shots.

go to set it as unuseable, add a entity attribute (e.g. max health) then go to script, use if:
now follow my steps
if: max health = 1 (number comparison)
then: set health (attribute) max of (last triggering unit) as health + 10 (calculate)

if you want to add multiple armor, such as 5 armor, set attribute as 5, and copy that script but switch the max health to 2/3/4/5

let me invite you and you can see. i did this because i could not get a script that gave you +1 hp and +0.1 speed for each point. i need your user.

um y not just make a script for if a unit picks up a item like a trigger of every second and
for all (units in game)
then do:
if Item Type Of (last held item of (selected unit) == (No Use Item)
then do:
set (health) of (selected unit) as (1000000000000)
else do:

or u could do that. :grinning: