I can't sign up or log in modd.io

here’s the proof so I don’t Mcmurderspree
Screenshot 2023-11-11 8.31.44 AM
Screenshot 2023-11-11 8.30.16 AM


How can I play with you :sob:

I guess I could go as a user.

Nah I have a better idea
Play games in the chat

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okay @Dol_Whitty thanks for the advice

Have you tried clicking on Request Access?

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Oh yeah
That could also work

yeah and then vlad would ban him from fnf rp again :)

NO I’m on mute and that’s it


Probably you should hide your gmail address, even though you reveal your info in your profile.

I guess you’re using the school gmail address, which is under control of school ( = admin at your institution), and it does not allow students to register with school gmail address.

But it’s not happening that school allows this because modd.io is not educational and notably, you’re using it just for yourself.

It’s better to try with another gmail address, such as your parent’s.

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Actually, if you use your parents gmail they could get emails witch includes:

  • your parents ground you
  • your computer will get taken away for about a week or 2
  • they could ask modd.io to be shut down
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________warning look here:
    and if you have a computer at home and you have a bunch of chatting games but your parents dont let you play them, go to your room or somewhere where your parents dont go usually and play them there. When your parents come in change your tab or close the chatting game tab.

You’re right, and if the parents ask it to shut your account down, it has no choice but to ban you because it is written in the obsolete Terms of Use.

Edit: it was not necessarily true. It applies only if you provide modd with personally identifiable information. It’s written in privacy policy.


im under 18 and idc about that policy lol. BECAUSE MY PARENTS DONT KNOW ABOUT IT :smile:

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What, I never saw any parents asking the dev of modd.io to shut down modd.io

it doesn’t matter, i’m leaving, don’t reply to me