I changed my name and it registered me as new created account less than a day ago but the difference is this "new" account is actually the same account which joined 874 days ago, the email is the same

I report a bug which happened when I changed my name - I had an account called Player116 and decided to change my name related to my discord account. I did it, everything seemed normal, I noticed that my progress in some games which save progress of non-guests is gone. I also have no coins but that’s not my problem: the problem is that that account called Player116 was created 874 days ago and I lost it. I have email confirmed and when i try to join via email it only says me “this email is already in use”. The bugged system detects me as someone who doesnt use the same email, it detects me as someone who uses already existing email and I can’t login.

it could be 3 things: 1. maybe the game gets confused and bugs out 2. maybe a player name already exists with that name and thinks your trying to make a existing account 3. the game thinks your trying to steal a account and deletes your account as a penalty.
i hope you get it back.

Hello, I’m sorry that you lost your progress in some games as well as your account history.

  1. If you change your name, your data related to your account are lost because the save data is tagged to your username, not user ID. So, if you change your username, you should come up with your data loss in your game for now (I think it should be fixed in the future though).

  2. I can find your user account here: did you try to sign in to your previous ID, not your current name? You might have just created a new account, not have changed your username. It does not contradict what you said in the text. Even if you can log in, you should refrain from changing your name once again until everything is okay if you don’t want to lose your account.

  3. Yes, and you should ask admin of the issue. I’m sure there is a problem concerning the account ID changes, so it’s time to have it look into by the staff.

  4. I saw your name in many games last year or two. I hope your account will get back and tell me your new username if possible :slight_smile: