I have a challenge for you!

Get this topic to 200 replies as a challenge!

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SOY!!! Easy AF Edwar.

Oi oi, please use good replies

Cake at stoik cake at stake cake at stake

pokemon is the best like no one ever was

Pika pee pikachu I choose you

if everything is pi
then world population is pi

What’s an Math teacher’s favorite kind of food? Pi!

lol funny joke Truth :arrow_forward: Maybe try to make more posts per day but don’t do so much you get told to stop

food-food are-are su-su per-per good-good.

Pov: You stutter in the chat.

I’m-I’m sue-sue ing-ing u-u.

what did i do to deserve this

Because there should no more ships existing.

Everyone dies

And no more oxegen Edwar.

that means black hole absorbs us

Am not gonna trashtalk.

Poki has been blocked, CrazyGames has been blocked, Roblox has been blocked
playhackgame.com became a Chinese website instead of having hacked games.

about yo mama’s gaurdian.