I have two questions

When a unit kills another unit, how do I make another unit get the gold from killing it. For example, player A kills player B. How can I make it so player C get’s the kill?
Also, how can you make an a.i. switch to another slot?

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You could add an entity variable on the attacking unit that determines who to redirect the kill to. For example, you can do something like this when the unit gets created:

set (kill goes to) of (last created unit) as (triggering unit)

In this example the variable is called kill goes to, and triggering unit is just an arbitrary placeholder for whatever appropriately goes there in your script. Then, in the unit death script, make it give the kill to the kill goes to of the attacker rather than the attacker themself:

set Points of ((kill goes to) of (last attacking unit)) as (Points of ((kill goes to) of (last attacking unit)) + 1)

Something along the lines of that.

To make a unit switch to another slot, use the make unit select item at slot action.

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There was a make unit select item at slot script? Oof, I was looking all that time and I couldn’t find it. Anyways, thanks.

this is simple i have a script like this use it like an example