I need help with somthing

its not an atm I already made one I need help making money past 999Qi cuz I have Sx but I need to make it so it can keep forming and not have to reset mass when get to 999Qi so it can give you 1 Sx money can some one help pls

i mean u can use player variables and overlay text instead of attributes

I want it to be like strength simulator

how that makes no scene at alllllll so help me


       wtf are you talking about

        is this the same topic???

       or am i trippin

ok here’s what im asking you know when it goes to 1e+23 then it will go to 1 mass so I want to make it so it will still give me 1 Sx money to replace it

that wont work unless u got player variables i mean i can make u a leaderboard with overlay text

but but will it break the other things I’ve made

no not at all unless u delete the player attributes without switching them to player variables first

but the player variable won’t show where the attribute dose

i could make u a leaderboard

ok first make a test game then add me if i like you can add

ok i added you to https://www.modd.io/play/Dos43Wfcz