Introducing Skill Quality

Hello, I am 580kRevived, and I have made a discovery which is Skill Quality.

Skill Quality means the quality used for my games, which is “how well you do in scripting or/and art, or trust level”.

Here are the thresholds to receive prizes for each skill quality:

<2.5 (<4.0 in Skill Quality: No prizes
2.5-4.0 Skill Quality: Special Role, 1.25x more Stabs ( 3 only)
4.0-6.0 Skill Quality: Pro Role, you will get items when owner is here!
6.0-7.0 Skill Quality: Moderator
7.0+ Skill Quality: Contributor.


I think I can ask a lot of popular creators to implement, so unknown or untrusted people won’t be able to get these roles without having how good you can make art/scripts or how much you are trusted.

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I think this is a good idea.
How much would I rank :face_holding_back_tears:
I almost finished my awesome game.

Could be 7.0 or more, but skill qualities are also based on trust levels.
Also, you are able to change skill quality rewards.

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