This is more of a rant than a criticism, so please take it with a grain of salt. I tried my best to exclude any form of harrasement or anything like it.
I feel like Basic Tier is just too far limiting and demotivating to work. You are working on something really cool, and then you suddenly encounter those VERY critical features.
Wanted to add data saving? nop. Advanced Tier only. (changed after an update, thank god)
Oh, I need to make attracting game cover. Also nope. Advanced Tier only too so… Tough luck getting players with cover image.
Oh I want a unique UI. nOpE lOl. aDvAnCeD tIeR,,,,, (you technically can though with basic tier, but im pretty sure its only with CSS)
And how am I supposed to maintain player base and get my game popular and attractive with that?
The what it seems like “must-have” features are literally locked under an Advanced Tier such as UI Customization and the worst case, and Cover Images. I know that the automated progression to advanced tier exists, but it’s hard to somehow maintain player base and quickly climbing to advanced tier when we can’t use cover images.
Do you think these or specific features have to be available regardless of game tier? Would it make development a lot easier if those features exist before hand? Think about it. Back then had everything available already for basic tier. Now it’s 2023, and we can’t even use cover images and ui customization anymore. I can understand monetization and skins, but cover images and ui customization small limitations?
I’ll include the fact we can no longer use most of the harmless HTML ingame anymore and the fact we can no longer color text anymore in top ui and center ui anymore????? (yet unconfirmed. ill be checking out today
A while ago, Data Saving have became a Basic Tier aswell in the latest update of 30th May, and I’m glad since this was a quite literal headache when you’re making a progression game on a Basic Tier and you can’t save data. Additionally, CSS modding is possible on basic tier, but you cannot edit landing page, dialogue boxes or custom modals themselves (which im mostly fine with, I need mostly CSS). Honestly I hope that CSS modding will remain a thing for basic tier, because sometimes, UI design matters too.