Is there a way I can hire people to make my game without paying REAL MONEY?

Is there a way I can hire people to make my game without paying REAL MONEY like let’s say instead of REAL MONEY can I trade coins?

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“No” and “Yes”
Have the “Contributor and Mod” system,you can add one in Menu>Settings>Invite User>+Invite User

Mod = Have the “Moderate”(Ban IP,Kick,Mute and Unmute)and can see the game,but not can change the game.

Contributor=Have the “Moderate”(Ban IP,Kick,Mute and Unmute)and can change your game(scripts,environment,map,only part of settings)but not can change all settings,for example the name,the Unban IP and Unmute,contributors not can add more contributors and mods.
(Remember of need the player accept help,or you just can add and player no help)

Hey,im good at make games,add me!
my name in is “Eletr0mega”
You need put the name of player in +Invite User.

Ya sure you wont say pay me $100 dollars???

Ok, I will do it. DEFENTLY

What games are you good at??? ( WHAT TYPE )

hm,all XD
Im much good scripter(but im good in the environment map too)

Join hide n seek lasers so we can talk

wait noooo join traitors among us

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wait noooooooooooo join 2 - boss event!!

What ?
its for me join,its litellary impossible to me be online and u too.

Ok umm. When you look at this chat at 1:30 PM at central standard time go and play a game on I will join you and we can talk.

im just on in final of week,cause of i go to house of my daddy(my daddy have pc)