June Modd.io Game Jam

How many of you guys will be joining the June game jam? Just wondering what your thoughts on it are.

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idk i might… whats it about???

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It’s basically a thing where a theme is released, and everyone that joins must make a game within the time limit to get a chance at the prize, which is rewarded to the person with the best game in the judge’s opinion.

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ik what a game jam is but im wondering what the theme is… is it even released??

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if ur gonna join let me teach u how to make a grapple hook in JS

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nvm i checked discord but shiiiiid I’ll do it… even tho no one likes my content I think they might at least see how much work I put into it and also @kyle69 Epic Games is giving away a free Discord Nitro u should use that opportunity

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The theme gets released when the jam starts, which is about 4 days from now.

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yeah ik thats why i said nvm but bruh how do I use a class from a NPM package???

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Uh, you require() it…? Anyways this isn’t related to the topic.

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ik but my class’s won’t work with the RunKit thing and it keeps saying “Entity not identified” which is why I was wondering… is there something wrong with RunKit or am I doing something wrong because I have this script

require rag3d = ('rag3d');
const testent = new Entity();
testent.x = 100;

this script keeps saying “Entity is undefined” and I litterally made a class for this I even sent u the example

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It’s supposed to be const rag3d = require('rag3d'), not require rag3d = ('rag3d').

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sry i forgot thats what runkit automatically puts there i just forgot since I didnt copy and paste it i just went off the top of my head

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I might join bt idk Im not good at making games by myself and I barely have time as it is…

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Teamwork is permitted, and plus you have a whole month to finish it. Are you sure you won’t have time over the summer vacation?

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I could help u but I’ll be slow helping u with urs since I have my owns… u have a itch.io account right???

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yes I have an itch.io account

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noice whats ur userrname???

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