Make chat can copy and paste

Make the chat can copy and paste like before. So that you can copy some game links from others.


hello @toho this was a thing before but they removed it so im not sure it will be a thing again

There are things on why they disabled copy and paste is because to prevent users to spam every single time. So… I guess they decides to disable the copy and paste thing here to prevents users for spamming the same for every second, sure you’ll get muted after spamming every second. But users tend to spam slow for every 3 seconds so that they will not get muted.

Yeah… Copy and Paste were a thing in the past, but people keep spamming the same profanity word every single time. Just because you loose to someone, it doesn’t mean you have to do it. Respect each other, and just say “GG”. You dont have to be toxic. Dont hurt someone’s feeling and ruin their day.


Am I right about this? Where people can copy the word that just got copied and paste that word to the chat. In there’s a chat that let you talk to other people. Hopefully I’m right… Please try to correct me if I’m wrong.

The statements above was unnecessary

After 17 hours, the statements that I wrote was completely unnecessary. Don’t know why I wrote this but it’s fine.

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Actually people can paste things right now. However they can’t copy things in the chat bruh ;-;. (mino suggested me to post it into forums so I did)


Thanks for correcting me.

So you’re saying that, they cannot copy the words in the chat and paste it correct?

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yes it’s would be nice to copy and paste links or links should be clickable

I doubt the link should be clicked because some of them are toxic and virus links

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