Make Scripting tutorials and scripting puzzles

For new editors you can watch scripting videos and do script puzzles! On scripting tutorials you can post a tutorial video and make contributors if its good and add it to tutorials and scripting puzzles is a script puzzle It will have hints and solutions Winning from them will give 2+ coins each win and there will be a bunch of levels from Newbie-Beginner-Editor-Expert-Modder when you get past these levels you get 2+ to 3+ the more higher the more coins! losing a level will get you back to the previous and lose 1+ modd coins if you use a hint you cannot use it again for another day using the solution will get no coins and change the level


Oh yes,its a good idea but it so hard

good idea but it’s a little bit of a meh

Gamifying the learning process seems a brilliant way, but I don’t think the learners should lose their coins or levels when they’re wrong… Allow for mistakes for students, or they’re too afraid to make a tycoon.