Map designer wanted

Hi, i am a coder and i recently made a game, unfortunately my tilesheet was corrupted and my map assest was lost, so i have decided to find a map maker, if you are intrested, responde on this post and type your username in the reply section.

pls i need a designer real quick


Like U need someone to make an tile sheet?? I can only make maps xdDDDDDDDDDDDDD

no, just need to make the map :smiley:

okie I can do it then >: D

ok, i have sent you the invite

also please make a bunker entrance, you will see a region called bunkjer entrance, that part is the entrance

dont trust mommmm one second their nice and out of no where they start making lies about what u said and tries to make u said by pis… angering u every game u join i may not be angry at her cuz im chill but u might get angry

hm, i know mommmm, i played with him and he just seem to be a kind, nice and sometimes raging when people killed him type of guy :confused:

@derpish i love doing peoples map so if you ever need help friend my thing is Arveylec17.I also know some scripts.Have fun Coding and Gaming

If u trust rag dev then dont talk to me ok And dont make me contrubitor then :confused: :C

mommmm picking sides ain’t really a good thing be in the middle man

i didnt say i dont trust you m8

were done ok im done talking ok u block me i block u ok :smiley: =C

so are you going to do the map or not

ok you can do the job, mommmm dont do the frickin job >:(
he is also a jerk >:(

thats how they start off i did nothing to mom and now they comin up with some bullsh*t to talk about me for some reason

im a nice person and he comes outta no where saying i used him for scripts but im self taught if someone teaches me something i just acknowledge it i dont use like come on now thats just not right

ok if you want me to do your map add me as contributor and ill do map then if you don’t need me any more just take me off. you aslo could keep me and ill do future map updates for you. and stop the fight ing pls.just be nice.