Math random

Ive noticed that the random value function is a bit odd. as an example, you could have it choose a random value between 1 and 2 and it could choose 1 several times in a row and then 2, Which kinda ruins the chance as in “you would need 2 tries to get the numbers 1 and 2 in a 1/2 chance”. Im on a mobile device right now and cant check if it already got fixed long ago or something, so my bad if its working as it should right now.


This is working as intended, because random numbers are random.

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“Random” is based off chances tho, you cant properly make a randomness effect with just guessing what chance you have to get a number

Setting the max value doesnt even matter then, you could just make it 1/1 billion and it would be the same as 1/10

nice cool math i guess

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Guessing 2 times isn’t guarenteed to get 1 and 2

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all in all mr a 50/50 chance is not a 200/50 chance you are just lucky @Axolotl_adam

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Each time is a 50/50 chance. It is 100% possible to get 1 5 times in a row and 2 none of those.

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that is very true thanks for correcting me :smiley: .