Mommmm Pls Read This Message

@mommmm i didnt start this either pikucute kinda started it i tried to stop it and u made it continue and tried to include me in it for some reason like i was streaming the whole thing everyone in my stream was saying who is this b**** tryna start arguements with u and i tried to say that u were my friend then u were like oh and ragev were not frends anymore and i was confused so i just was like oh well idk what to do now but u started doing way too much so i just did what u did and did too much by telling ppl not to trust u but u lucky arveylec trusts u so much tbh i didnt want any beef with u, but u wanted it with me with is so weird cuz i try to be nice to everyone i speak too especially old friends like if u kno me irl u would call me a d*** all the time for being irritating but on my game making softwares im nice to all cuz i care for all i dont like arguments they make me sad confused and nervous when you started this all i was thinking is why does he think i stole his save scripts i honestly did nothing to this man but yet their angry at me shoot if u ever meet my family they will tell u i cry from most arguments and tbh i think this argument is over something stupid i mean if i used u i wouldnt talk to u i wouldnt try to squash beef i would just ignore everything about u but i didnt meaning even if i did use ur save scripts everything woulda still been the same its not like i knew u had save scripts when i first friended u now did i tbh i friended u cause i wanted u to become a upcoming game developer and a game developer that gets tier 2 before i ever do shoot my most popular games didnt get t2 ever and i was sad which is why i want to quit moddio but i couldnt so i just joined back and started grinding again but with better skills also the same skills i wanted to share with u but u never let me share cuz of all this beef u and pikucute had dragged me into so pls stop this feud and lets be friends again and even tho all this stuff is happening guess what i still didnt block u a person who used u woulda completly exiled u out of their life and i didnt do that so pls lets just be friends again man i miss the fun times me and u used to have and i hate for a old friend to be mad

@mommmm. Ragdev you forgot to add the @ symbol thing

oof ok i will do that real quick